
2 min readNov 11, 2021

Totoro is the title tetartagonist in Studio Ghibli’s film My Neighbor Totoro, as well as its sequel, Mei and the Kittenbus. He is the mascot of Studio Ghibli. TotoroInu is an ERC-20 token on Ethereum blockchain. It aims to be a community driven place for anime enthusiasts and crypto moguls. Our crew is getting ready for the flight of their lives. We are backed by a solid contract which ensures that our rocker gets to the moon fast and safe.
$Totoro is a utility token which will be used on the upcoming launchpad, TotoroPad, a multi-chain, anime themed launchpad with a refund system to ensure your security and satisfaction. The team aims to develop a whole brand, ecosystem and to become a reference among the biggest projects with major partnerships and innovative functions for the token.
Locked liquidity, Renounced Ownership are only a few of our transparency principles. We are here to introduce something absolutely unseen and rugproof. Everything is governed by our automatized smart contract, therefore we completly exclude the possibility of rugging or exploits.
Tokenomics — Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 Initial Liquidity : 1 ETH Taxes: 4% Liquidity (Liquidity Fee is automatically sent to the pool to provide liquidity and maintain stable trading 7% Marketing and Development
Marketing is important as we believe continuous marketing is needed to keep up the hype in this crypto space. While development be used for future expansion based on our roadmap miles. With every sale of $TOTORO for ETH, there will be two transactions on Dextools with the same maker address. One transaction is for the actual sale that the maker made. The other transaction is a sale of the accumulated tokens from the taxes. These tokens are sold for eth and then distributed to the developer and marketing wallets accordingly.
Totoro Launchpad aims to be the first launchpad with innovative cross chain functionality. Our launchpad will allow organic fundraising across multiple blockchains and also safeguards clients in case of unfavorable outcomes. We are going to create an innovative launchpad. Investors won’t need to choose what network they want to use in order to participate in our IDOs. We will create a robust ecosystem.Insurance system: In the circumstance a project from our launchpad rug pulls all wallet addresses that were able to participate in the IDO will receive a 100% refund that’t the equivalent to the amount of tokens that they’re still HODLing How do we define a rug pull? An investor can make an insurance claim if the project developer or team commits the following: — Market sell of their tokens that results in a -50% impact to the price per token — Permanently disabling trading of their token — Implements a 50% tax for all sells — Removal of the projects liquidity pool We are going to implement a token mechanism that collects 5% on every sell, then automatically converts into the native token to create an insurance fund.

